1. S.G. Dixit, Ahamad M.H. Shaikh and S.S Banerjee, high gradier magnetic separation of non-magnetic minerals using magnetic surfactant, presented at 8th international symposium on surfactants in solution, university of Florida, Gainesville, FI32611-2023, U.S.A. june-1990.
  2. Ahamad M.H.shaikh and S.G. dixit, “removal of phosphate from waters by precipitation and high gradients magnetic separation”, IAWPRC-water research 1992, Great Britain.
  3. Ahamad M.H.Shaikh, S.G.Dixit and S. Ventatachalam, “role of magnetic and sodium oleate in the high gradient magnetic separation of calcite using magnetic coating of the surface”. Journal of colloid an interface science 115,340-346, U.S.A., 1993.
  4. Ahamad M.H.Shaikh and S.G.Dixit, “beneficiation of phosphate ores using high gradient magnetic separation”. International journal of mineral processing, 37(1993) 149-162, Amsterdam.
  5. Ahamad M.H.Shaikh, S.S.Banerjee and S.G.Dixit, use of magnetic surfactants in the high gradient separation of essentially non-magnetic calcite and barite. (Journal as separation technology. Vol.4, july-1994, U.S.A.
  6. Ahamad M.H.Shaikh ,S.S . Banerjee and S.G.Dixit. “Use of blue dust in the high gradient magnetic separation of non-magnetic minerals”.6-8 June, 1994, lourentian university, Sudbury Ontario, Canada.
  7. Ahamad M.H.Shaikh, et.at. “Study of glycoside, luteo-7-O-B-D gluycopyranoside from the flower of jatrophacurcas (linn.) “ 1st international society biotechnology conference ISBT-2008 from 28th December-30th December 2008 at Sikkim, India.
  8. Ahamad M.H.Shaikh et.al., study of 3-hydroxy-8-methoxy-flavone-7-O-B-D-Glycopyranoside from the flower of semicarapus anacardium” 4th international congress of chemistry and environment ICCE-2009 from 21st-23rd January 2010 at ubonratchathani, Thailand.
  9. Participated and presented a reearch paper in an International Conference, World Envirnment Congress (3rd World Research Journals Congress) on 10th Jan to 12th Jan 2018 at Bangaluru, India.
  10. Presented a research paper on Emerging Trends in Science on 4th March 2017 at National Level Inter-Disciplinary Conference at Acharya Marathe College Mumbai , India.
  11. Participated and Presented a Research Paper at an International Science Conference from Health to Well Being, at Xaviers College 2018, Mumbai India.
  12. Participated and Presented a Research paper at an International Conference under Department of Chemistry Mumbai University on New Horizons in Synthetic and Materials Chemistry, Mumbai, India 2015.